Friday, January 8, 2010


I have a lot of Goals for 2009!!!

I would like to do the usual stuff, you know the drill, 1. Lose Weight 2. Do a better Job sticking to the Budget.. Blah, Blah, Blah!!

This year, I decided that I want to do things a little differently.. Instead of Trying to reach yearly goals, which I have never achieved, I have decided to set Weekly and Monthly Goals.. I hope to use this blog to hold myself accountable by posting my goals and the things I have done to achieve them.

I Want to work on 4 major areas of my life..
1. Loving me and making myself a healthier person.
2. Working on being a better housekeeper. Keeping away the CHAOS.
3. Remodeling the house Room by Room
4. Saving as much money as possible and becoming fiscally Savvy.

Here are my January Goals:

1. Make Dr's appointment for yearly check up and keep it!!
2. Following the FLY LADY routines.. doing all of my morning routines.
3 Cleaning out all the clutter in the Mudroom ( picking out paint colors)
4. Open a savings account and setting up realistic budget. Save at least $200.

I am hoping to post every week to keep me motivated!!

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