Sunday, March 29, 2009

House Chaos

Once again I have fallen off the flylady wagon and my house is in chaos. Friday at work I started a TO DO list for this weekend. On Saturday I procrastinated and found every excuse I could not to follow through. Sunday I got up and this is what I did.

Kitchen: Clear out any trash
Wash Dishes
Wipe Down Counters
Clean Stove
Sweep floors

It took me 45 Minutes in 15 minute increments: Here are the pics.....


Here is the After:

I also cleaned the bathroom:
Cleared of counters
picked up towels
Scrubbed sink/toliet/ and tub
Sweep and mop the floors


Here is the After:

I just got in to the groove when DS's baseball coach called to say we have a makeup game TODAY at 2pm...URGGGGHHH!!! I am frustrated because now I have to stop my cleaning and get everyone ready to go....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Play dough and Chimpanzees

This week has been absolutely crazy!!!!!

Saturday..I was getting ready to tackle Mt Washmore..I had piles of clothes every where. one was in the washer and one was in the dryer. I was ready for a day of laundry catch up and working on DS's school project!!! It was 70 degrees outside and going to be a great day until the phone rang!!

DH's father had pancreatitis and was in the Emergency Department of a hospital 35 minutes away. So my laundry and the school project were soon forgotten...As we called babysitters in a panic and ran out the door to check on him..

Bless his heart, and Thank God!! He came through his surgery well, and now is on the road to recovery. Even though he is still in an ICU bed, he should be home and fine in a few more days.

Needless to say there has been no time this week for thinking about the other things that needed to be done....I forgot all about the project!!!

Tonight we took DH out for a birthday dinner, and we were talking about our day. Every night at supper we ask the kids about their school day. My DS says, "mom when are we going to do my project? I am suppossed to take it tomarrow."

What is the project you ask?? Make homemade play dough, and then turn it into the replica of a chimpanzee. Much easier said than done at 10pm on a school night.

The teacher had been nice enough to provide us with several recipes for play dough. The one I picked was written wrong and did not have enough liquid,so it crumbled as we tried to make a model...

Not to be discouraged at 10:30...I used another recipe and made more....At 11:20 I sent my eight year old to bed. I am now writing this and waiting on the chimp to come out of the oven....I am counting on 30 minutes at 200 degrees to dry it out so I can touch up the paint!!!

But tomarrow at school DS will have a play dough chimp!!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well here we are almost to spring, and I need to give an extra hug and kiss to my DH.

He is the best...because last night started Baseball season...

I love baseball at this age..they are just learning to play, but the thing is with the way I work I can't be home to go to practice.

So, DH is stuck with practice duty. Last year this wasn't that big a deal... Practice two days a week, but this year DD has discovered Softball!!! So now there are 4 practice days a week, and she has to be picked up from Dance of Wednesdays!!!

My husband is the best Daddy in the whole world. Especially in the spring!!!

Now, I just have to figure out a simple and quick meal plan for practice days that doesn't include McDonald's!!! Any suggestions?????

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Rules

I get so tickled at my wonderful husband. Our house stays in what seems like utter chaos all the time. Between both of us working our DS(8) and DD (6), a puppy and three cats there is always a mess somewhere.

I will admit that we did not do our kids any favors when they were little because it was easier to clean up their messes than to make them do it.. So, two years ago when I went back to work full time the house crashed and burned....Guess who had been doing most of the picking up????

Back to my dear husband. Last week he had enough of the house being a mess so he came up with the rules!!!

They are as follows:

1. If you get it out, you put it up. This includes toys, books, material for homework (pencils, paper, markers, etc)

2. Empty cups go in the kitchen beside the sink Not on the table or the computer desk.

3. If you turn it on, you turn it off (lights, and TV)

4. If it's trash throw it away in the trash can WITH a bag in it.
If there isn't a bag, tell Dad or mom and one of us will get a bag.

5. Dirty clothes go in the dirty clothes basket, NOT on the floor..Socks are clothes!!!

6. When getting a snack, if you empty a box or unwrap something, throw the empty box and or wrap away.

7. Shoes go in the shoe basket, not in the floor

8. If you spill something, clean it up, if you need help ask.

9. If Jack (our puppy) makes a mess clean it up, if you need help ask.

10. After you've eaten supper and have been excused from the table, take your plate, spoon, fork, and cup and place it beside the sink in the kitchen.

These rules were explained along with consequences at a family meeting. We have had one week of THE RULES and the difference was amazing..The house was pretty much in order...the only rule not being constantly followed was #5. We are working on that one.

They also did not whine and complain about picking up the living room today because there wasn't a lot left to do...